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La Quinta Real Estate Group joins Earth Hour

La Quinta joins, once again, the 'Earth Hour' project in its commitment to fight climate change by turning off the lights in all offices for an hour, from 20.30h to 21:30 p.m. on Saturday March 28th.

We are very conscious about the importance of protecting and securing the environment, and energy saving is a very important aspect. We have been working on this line within our corporate responsibility strategy for some time now, among other measures already announced last year like the use of canalized propane gas, use of biomass in the Hotel and Spa, automated climate and lighting control system in the offices, and buggies with breaking recharging system, this year we have implemented new measures to contribute our bit to make our planet a better place to live:

Lighting maintenance plan:

Both at our offices and in the communities we manage, we are replacing light bulbs with LED lighting devices.

Replacing vehicles with 100% electric cars:

To enhance our strategy of sustainable mobility, we have replaced our fleet of combustion vehicles and hybrids, with 100% electric cars Nissan LEAF and BMW i3. With this step, we move towards achieving our goal of improving environmental quality, we take another step in improving the carbon footprint by reducing greenhouse gases in general and, most notably, the NOX emissions and particulates.



Related Links:

Pascual joins the "Earth Hour" by turning off the lights in 35 workplaces on Saturday

Website International Earth Hour

Video of International Earth Hour 2015

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